How does Great Heights Trust
think and work beyond our own schools?
Our Leadership Teams including Finance, Business Management and School Improvement Team including our system leaders, coaches and mentors and our integrated Workforce Development and School Effectiveness team have supported:
- Locality needs through our Oldham Research School support of the Oldham Opportunity Area plan, extended offers to Tameside & Kirklees.
- System leadership support for over 10 years to in excess of 30 schools, active in all School Improvement rounds, commissioned by LAs and other trusts and provision of pupil premium reviews. Supported 30+ schools, numerous improving from RI to Good. Thank you email from Baroness Berridge, July 2020.
- Specialist teacher professional learning – development of literacy programmes in Early Years and Key stage 1 (English Hub) and connection/ navigation of the research via Research School to deliver School Improvement in priority areas, designing of the national training for ‘Metacognition’ via our Research School and delivery of all the EEF offers to priority schools/ Opportunity area of Oldham.
- Supported the design of a SSIF project in English in rounds 1 and 3 providing JPD sessions for teachers and leaders. The subsequent improvement in the KS1-2 Progress score for writing was more than 7 points across the lifetime of the project.
- Effective use of Teaching Assistants – EEF project delivery across Calderdale – delivery of the pilot study.
- CEO and CFO Membership of the ESFA Financial Steering Group providing system leadership input to this national strategy group and the CFO chairing a working group.
- COO who has led the conversion of our own MAT schools and supported over 15 other schools in their transfer to Academy status with direct advice and due diligence support as an SLE in Academy Conversion and Academy Administration. Additional COO support has been provided leading our local cluster groups as a mentor of other School Business Managers.
Delivered leadership professional learning materials – NLE EEF training for the 18/19 School Improvement Offer, designing, presenting and delivering implementation advice at national events throughout the country. Also, currently the national representative for the TSC on the School Improvement commission team – supported various SI offers with guidance and advice on implementation including national support material for the 19/20 offer and future 21/22 offer.
How does
Great Heights Trust . . .
Support the career progression of staff?
Connect to the evidence of what works well for its schools?
Share expertise to ensure a knowledge rich curriculum is achieved?
Provide expertise, support and guidance to ensure the best teaching provision?
Support improved outcomes for all pupils?
Share resources and expertise to ensure organisational effectiveness?