How does Great Heights Trust
provide expertise, support and guidance to ensure the best teaching provision?
- We recognize that a key factor in improving teaching, learning and pupil progress is effective support for teachers to improve their practice.
- Our School Improvement Team has a dedicated team for ‘Workforce Development and School Effectiveness’ within our School Improvement team offer.
- Our School Improvement Team has dedicated offers for individual schools and joint inset and twilight sessions across our schools to address any gaps or weaknesses in subject knowledge or pedagogical practice.
- Subject leaders are empowered to plan together, swap and share schemes of work and good practice.
- Classroom staff have access to support networks and offers in order to work together in clusters through joint lesson planning, sharing and moderating approaches to assessment, coaching to improve practice and undertake inquiry-based research into aspects of learning.
How does
Great Heights Trust . . .
Support the career progression of staff?
Connect to the evidence of what works well for its schools?
Share expertise to ensure a knowledge rich curriculum is achieved?
Support improved outcomes for all pupils?
Share resources and expertise to ensure organisational effectiveness?