How does Great Heights Trust share resources and expertise to ensure organisational effectiveness?
- Trust team expertise, resources and support is readily available through our in-house teams including finance, business management, HR, governance & leadership, workforce development & school effectiveness, curriculum and teaching and learning. See our in-house structure of support and Trust organogram.
- Access to our network groups for curriculum leaders and bespoke forum groups currently including Seesaw platform learning, Phonics, Catch-up planning, SEND and Assessment.
- Access to finance and administration network with support and training for new to post appointees.
- Access to leadership network groups, sharing expertise, challenges and development needs, available for Chairs of Local Governing Bodies, Headteachers and new to role leaders.
- Bespoke organizational models developed through a lens of reducing staff workload whenever possible.
- Business management team support for joint procurement of services, contracts and purchasing.
- Expertise in premises developments, successful bidding and management of premises improvements and repairs.
How does
Great Heights Trust . . .
Support the career progression of staff?
Connect to the evidence of what works well for its schools?
Share expertise to ensure a knowledge rich curriculum is achieved?
Provide expertise, support and guidance to ensure the best teaching provision?