School Improvement & Bids
Strategic School Improvement Round 3 Case Studies
The Strategic School Improvement Fund (SSIF) has provided £56 million to 171 projects in England. This has supported over 3,100 individual schools. Projects had a variety of foci including maths, English, leadership and support for disadvantaged pupils. As each round of SSIF projects has completed case studies have been shared with the TSC as examples of best practice.
Within Lancashire and West Yorkshire five projects from round 3 (the final round) ended in either Summer or Autumn 2020. Project leads have helpfully provided lessons learned, from their experiences of delivering SSIF:
Narrowing the gap for disadvantaged pupils in English, through effective school leadership, quality first teaching and Teaching Assistant deployment and development.
URLEY Language Leaders Programme 2018 to 2020.
Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants: Improve outcomes for SEND pupils across all key stages by maximising the impact of teaching assistants in the local authority to give better TA deployment and better skilled TAs.
Local Area Early Years Partnership: A collaborative approach to ‘Unlocking Talent, Fulfilling Potential’ by improving outcomes in Speech, Language & Communication for disadvantaged Early Years pupils.
Improving Key Stage 1 outcomes across 21 Local Primary Schools by implementing a Systematic Phonics Programme.
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