Amanda Bennett

Amanda Bennett OBE is the CEO of Great Heights Academy Trust and has been a Head teacher for over 20 years. She strategically leads a core team of dedicated leaders and managers who run a Trust currently with 5 academies, a Research School, an English Hub and a SCITT. The Trust is in the middle of a growth phase with all current schools Ofsted good or better, including 2 sponsor schools who have recently gained Ofsted Good and Outstanding School status.
Amanda has served as an NLE, supporting over 30 schools, has been the Teaching School Council Representative for LWY and before that Y&H, supported DfE programmes and initiatives including school to school support commissioning. During 2021-22 she led the contract for the LWY Trust and School Improvement Offer and also worked with the DfE in writing the system leader guidance.
Amanda has supported network meetings, conferences and induction events for NLEs. She is a Governor at a local secondary academy supporting their school improvement journey from special measures. As a member of the ESFA Financial Steering Group and UCL ECF Early Roll-Out board, she has also provided system leadership input to these strategy groups.