Our Trust
Great Heights Academy Trust focuses on meaningful collaboration between Trust schools and designations for the benefit of all the children in every Trust school.
We have a determination to support and challenge our schools to provide the best possible educational experience for all the children by having a creative and aspirational curriculum and the highest quality teaching. There is a relentless focus on academic excellence and high quality pastoral care to ensure that our children are capable, confident and caring learners.
The wealth of expertise within our schools, along with high quality governance, fosters a strong sense of belonging and community across the Trust whilst remaining focused on each child achieving their full potential. We strive to develop a culture where each member of staff is motivated and supported to provide high quality, innovative teaching along with opportunities for sharing their expertise.
Our strong Trust Board is committed to the vision and values of the Trust and each Trustee has high aspirations for all our children.

Carlton Midgley
Chair of Trust Board
CEO’s Welcome
I am so proud to have seen the development of our Trust over the last 20 years: from the headship of an outstanding school, academisation, gaining designations to the setting up of the Trust.
We are a growing MAT with an impressive network of schools, partnerships and designations which share our vision and values. Our SCITT, Research School and English Hub give us unique strengths to ensure all those in our care can be supported on their improvement journeys.
As the educational landscape continues to change at pace with financial pressure and recruitment challenges, the Trust is securely positioned to offer a collaborative environment for schools to access support and challenge for school improvement and access to future teachers. Strong local and national partnerships alongside engagement in initiatives and developments with the DfE, the EEF and Trust and School Improvement in Lancashire and West Yorkshire offer our schools the added benefit of bespoke offers. These can accurately and effectively target needs and developments in order that all in our care can access lifelong learning opportunities and aspire to reach their true potential.

Amanda Bennett OBE
Trust CEO